Holger Schneider, Head of Marketing Crossinx GmbH: “PR von Harsdorf successfully supports us in our positioning as experts for digital accounting. With technically sound articles and lively user contributions, the team brings our e-billing solutions closer to the various target groups via the media and communication channels that are relevant to them and ensures greater awareness in the market among public administration as well as among medium-sized companies or large corporations. We are very satisfied with this support.”
Sandra Gschwendner, Head of Corporate Marketing & Communications, Camelot Management Consultants AG : “Preparing difficult, complex topics from the pharmaceutical, logistics and IT environment in an exciting and effective way for the trade and business press is not easy, but no problem for PR von Harsdorf. Thanks to professionally sound, journalistically written articles and the untiring, personal contact with the editorial offices that are important to us, we have been pleased to see a steadily increasing number of editorial publications in our target media for years.
Kay Strucks, Senior Marketing Manager Central Region OKI Europe: “No matter what the story, no matter what the topic – PR from Harsdorf guarantees that the message reaches the right editor. We have been working together successfully since 2014 and particularly appreciate the agency’s excellent journalist contacts as well as the consistently professional senior consulting and the broad range of services. In addition to classic PR, we also benefit from perfectly prepared corporate publishing texts for sales support.
Wilfried Tollet, Sales Manager Clevertouch and Head of Sahara Presentation Systems GmbH: “With PR from Harsdorf, we have found the ideal partner for complete PR support for our market launch in Germany. It didn’t take long and Clevertouch itself was – just like our product lines – represented nationwide in the IT channel, office AV and education trade press relevant for us!
Dennis Knake, Communications Manager lemonbeat GmbH: “The range of topics relating to the Internet of Things is multi-layered, complex and not always easy to convey. With PR from Harsdorf I can always rely on professional help. Fast and uncomplicated. Whether it’s support for our corporate blog, addressing our topics to relevant stakeholders in a targeted manner or simply giving good advice!